Do you have something holding you back? What I’m about to say will be hard. But if you do it, you will thank me…
Burn The Ships and Get Unstuck

Do you have something holding you back? What I’m about to say will be hard. But if you do it, you will thank me…
Back in the day I was a “marketing consultant.” That above title (marketing consultant) is really a fun way of Saying “I’m an employee of my own company.” Despite being successful in gaining over 100 clients in well under a year, I realized I had over 100 bosses. This was NOT my “realized dream” of […]
It’s funny because my wife and I had this conversation yesterday. So many people are using GURU as a bad thing. Many coaches and people trying to sell stuff are calling themselves the Anti-Guru. Don’t be one of these people!
I’m sure you have heard that old saying, “Money Don’t grow on trees!” before. Maybe you heard it in your childhood or maybe you are telling your own kids this today. The truth is… why would you want money to grow on trees? That would take too long to wait to get paid from that […]
Tony: 00:06 okay folks today we’ve got Mark from Oz. It is almost 9:00 AM his time. It is just coming up to midnight my time. This seemed the best time to interface. Mark, can you hear us loud and clear? Mark: 00:26 Yes, Tony, I can hear you loud and clear. Welcome to everyone. […]