Put the Blinders On – Get More Sales!

Want to get more sales? Want to make it easy? You need to watch this now...

In this video, I talk about putting the blinders on so you can keep moving forward and make more sales! And as many of you already know… More sales = Mo Money! Which is a good thing 🙂 Unless you don't like money 😉


Alright, so we had somebody talk about how they struggled with sales. One of the things I wanted to talk about and something that I learned early on, was that it is kind of a numbers game. Well, not a kind of, it is a numbers game. Sometimes, you could just be on fire. You could be on a roll. You could call, so if in your business, you like to make the phone calls … Personally, I never liked to do it, but I had to do it if I was starving and needed to make some money.

Alright, so we had somebody talk about how they struggled with sales. One of the things I wanted to talk about and something that I learned early on, was that it is kind of a numbers game. Well, not a kind of, it is a numbers game. Sometimes, you could just be on fire. You could be on a roll. You could call, so if in your business, you like to make the phone calls … Personally, I never liked to do it, but I had to do it if I was starving and needed to make some money.

[00:00:30] Alright, so we had somebody talk about how they struggled with sales. One of the things I wanted to talk about and something that I learned early on, was that it is kind of a numbers game. Well, not a kind of, it is a numbers game. Sometimes, you could just be on fire. You could be on a roll. You could call, so if in your business, you like to make the phone calls … Personally, I never liked to do it, but I had to do it if I was starving and needed to make some money.

[00:00:30] I would make like, 20, 30, 50, 100 calls and I wouldn't get anybody interested, whether they … Maybe they didn't answer the phone. Maybe they told me to “F” off. Right? Or something like that. They just weren't interested, and then all of a sudden, after like 101, I'd get one sale. Or person says they're interested and I sit down with them and I sell them. That sometimes happens and sometimes I make like three calls and the third person's like, “Yeah. I'm interested. I'm in. Let's do it.”

So that's why I say it's a numbers game because it could be emails as well. Let's say you send out 50 emails. Or actually, let's say five emails. You send out five emails, and the fifth email, the person's interested and they say, “Hey, let's talk more.” And you sell them.

[00:01:30] Sometimes it might be that you send 200, 300, 400 emails and nobody's interested. Either you get no replies or people saying, “Take me off your list.”  Or, “Stop emailing me.” Or, “I hope you die.” or something horrific like that. Again, it is a numbers game.

[00:02:00] You gotta just keep moving forward. Think of it as like a race. If you're out there and you're in a race, how … Do you think it sounds very smart for somebody that's in a race to turn their head and keep looking behind them as they're running? Or, how about if they're like my eight-year-old, Bodhi, who actually, when he rides his bike or he's riding his ATV or something, he's always like … he has his head turned like this the whole time. And I'm like, “Dude! Turn your head around.” Because he almost hits cars and stuff.

[00:02:30] a race, you're not gonna perform as well if you're constantly looking over your shoulder and the same thing goes with sales. You gotta keep moving … I say put the blinders on. Like those horses that they have in New York City and other cities where they're in traffic and things like that? They put those blinders on where they can only see ahead of them so they don't get distracted or scared, or spooked, or for whatever other reasons they have those on. You gotta put those blinders on and just keep moving forward. You can't keep moving forward if you're constantly looking over your shoulder.

[00:03:00] also having a balance. Taking those breaks when you need those breaks. Or even when you don't need them, but it's time to take a break. Sometimes, I'll push myself so hard moving forward because I'm just on fire, and I'm just like, “Man, nothing can hold me back.” Then the next day I wake up and I feel just crashed. I'm like, “Oh, man. I am so tired. Don't talk to me.” Then I'll just … I'll warn the whole family. I'm like, “Don't talk to me. Don't mess with me. I'm just gonna sit upstairs or sit in my office and just watch … I'm gonna binge watch things on Netflix, because you don't want to be around me because I'll just go crazy.” That's that balance.

Preferably, before you get to that point where you feel like that, take a break. Go for a walk, go for a run, exercise. Play some video games, go on a date night if you're single, go out there by yourself and do something. But you gotta have that balance. You gotta be able to fill yourself back up, is actually one of my RockStar lessons in my book is fill yourself up.

[00:04:00]  analogy is if you're driving a car,  we're getting on a whole different one now. But, if you're driving in a car, and your gas … If you have one of those smart cars and it says, “Hey look, I've only got … You've only got 20 miles left on this tank on average. 20 miles left before you need to … you're gonna run out of gas.” Does it make sense for you to go on a 100 mile trip? You think you're gonna squeeze that 100 or 200 miles out of that 20 mile left of … on your tank?  It ain't gonna happen. I'm sorry. It just ain't gonna happen. You can and pour some water in there, and fill it up with something else.

[00:04:30], it ain't gonna make a difference unless you put more gas in it, filling yourself up, you ain't gonna be able to move forward. Your car is gonna break down. You're gonna get sick. That's how your body reacts is gets sick. If you try and fill it up with water just because you're like, “Oh, well, I am filling it up.” Even though it's water and not gas, that ain't gonna make a difference because filling up with water would be like, “Oh, I'm gonna drink a bunch of coffee. I'm gonna take this energy drink. I'm gonna drink 10 RockStar drinks. I'm gonna drink …” what are those other ones that people drink? The Red Bull, or something like that, the Liquid Crack or the liquid crank, or some caffeine or things like that.

[00:05:00] the same thing as just trying to pour water and other substances into your tank thinking that, that's going to push your car forward even more. That's just going to cause you to crash even harder. Okay? So you've got to take those breaks. Now I understand there are times that you have to push forward, let's say, you know a business, you gotta make that sale because your business is struggling and you've got to make rent or pay the lease, or whatever it is, make the mortgage. You gotta put food on the table, then yeah, you do have to push forward at times, but overall you want to have that work life balance. Fill yourself back up and move forward.

[00:06:00] So, back to the topic as far as on the race. When it comes to the race and it comes to the sales, you gotta just keep moving forward, know when to take the breaks so you can fill yourself back up, and then you'll be 100%, and be able to keep pushing forward and make those sales, but the real secret to it is, you just keep moving forward. Just keep moving forward, remember your “Why.” And keep moving forward, no matter what. And take those breaks.

That's it.

Be a RockStar in your business, and your life.

Dr. Dan

Don't forget to Make The World Your Stage!



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Dr. Dan Ardebili is the co-founder of The 2RockStars, He is also a Internationally Renowned Best Selling Author, Reality TV Producer, Relationship & Life-Style Expert and Coach (teaching the world to live life with style!), Radio Show Host, and much more.
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