Local Marketing Pricing Formula Step 1 of 6 16% Population*How many people live in the town/city/region you plan on targeting? Under 50k 50k-200k 200k-350k 350k-700k 700k-1 million Over 1 million Average ticket/price tag*What is the general value/price tag of a sale/deal for a client in this niche? Under $100 $100-500 $500-2500 $2500-5000 $5000-10k Over $10k Which niche/industry category are you serving?*Select the best fit... Health/Medical Home Improvement Legal Poodle Fluffers Actual Competition*What's your best guess of How many businesses compete in this niche - in this geographic area? Less than 5 5-15 15-25 25-50 Over 50 Keyword "Exact Match" Competition*Take a very general (broad) local keyword and put it in quotes to get an idea of how many competing sites there are. Note: this is to get an idea - NOT necessarily the actual keyword(s) you'd target. Less than 1000 1000-5000 5000-20k 20k-50k Over 50k HiddenRESULT-BAdwords Cost Per Click*Using the same broad keyword as above, go to adwords and get an idea how much a click costs and select the appropriate option below. Less than $1 $1-5 $5-10 $10-20 $20-50 $50-100 $100-200 Over $200 HiddenTo-b HiddenFrom-bYour Pricing Strategy Has Been Calculated. Where would you like it sent? Enter Your info Below Now...Your Name* Email*